Estimated reading time: 13 minutes
Did you ever asked yourself about whats the most important charasteristic which should adorns Cane Corso?
Its very simple – its temperament and it must be!
Cane Corso Temperament & Character
If you read lesson before, during the Cane Corso history dogs were bred entirely because of character. It has kept and improved that fantastic Cane Corso temperament to these dogs and, as I have described. If we translate the name of the breed to English from Italian, we got the name DOG GUARD. It means that dog has to be guard and dog will not be good guard dog if has no good character.
But, what is the good Cane Corso temperament?
Lets take to the thing and explain what means good temperament.

Over long years of breeding Cane Corso, but not only breeding – but also looking over different countries and looking over different dogs to the many breeders, as well dogs on the shows and work exams, I needed many years to analyse dogs and their behavior to get know real character of dogs which i keep and try to improve by breeding in Spunk Gang, so i can tell that we can divide temperament into 3 types:
- Afraid / timid / shy temperament
- Aggressive temperament
- Stable temperament
To meet – to get to know what is the stable character, we have to explain as well what means afraid / timid / shy character and aggressive dogs and then go to the stable character, so we can see and make a difference about what is good and what not is good.
Character is, as it were, a synthesis of all the particular characteristics of a dog’s temperament which have been conquered and brought under control.
Before explanation each of this 3 temperament types, i have to mention that i dont have any of photos from Spunk Gang dogs who may show my words into photos about afraid & aggressive dog. Because Spunk Gang dogs are based only at stable temperament! I dont want to show you pictures of these kind of dogs by taking some photos even videos from other dogs and owners. All photos you saw and you will see further in this lesson are dogs born at Spunk Gang kennels and they have stable character.

Before I start explain character types of dogs, we have to know that bloodlines are extremly important for the dog’s character! By that – we can “judge” somewise about dog’s character. Also puppy which has potential to be stable dog when grows up, people unconscious or conscious by mistakes and faults in socialization and their actions can make from that dog afraid dog even aggressive dog.
So, lets start from afraid dogs:
That word tells us – afraid dogs, there may be different variations with those dogs. Next to hard work on socialization, dog gets extremly hard to adapt on strange, unknown things to it. If no stays on the safe area ( home for example ), dog shows the stress with dawning, all the time next to the owner, does not want to get away from the owner and explores new things. Very often dog is not interested in another dogs and people and another things around it. If some strangers want come to it, very often dog gets down and shows insecurity, even go behind the owner.
Under my opinion, the worst type of timid dog is the type that dog is totaly timid that will starts bite because of afraid. This happens, but not because dog is aggressive, then dog is very VERY insecurity in itself.
There are dogs which bark a lot but if they come to the some situation they have to protect property, they would not show the good reaction of guardian dog.
Unfortunately, today there are so many these type dogs in breed which show some characteristics of the shy dog. That is apsolutely not good and people have to work on it by further dogs selection in breeding. We will talk about it in some other lesson later.
Exists more type of timid dogs, dogs which will hear some loud sound or happening, run away with no thinking, pee from fear even some worse things…
DO NOT breed afraid dogs, save & improve the breed!

Aggressive type of character:
Not so many variations with these dogs, but it may be that dog is aggressive to the everything – people and dogs. Only to the people or, only to the dogs. Some dogs do not tolerate children and get aggressive to them. It happens to the some breeder ( i would not tell the name ). Dog from the breeder bites breeder’s child over whole face and make serious demage. Child was good later thanks God, but stayed scars. Spunk Gang do not prefer those type of dogs!
Not even in serious working program. There are no explanation for the aggressive dogs. They are aggressive and people see it on the dog. Aggressive dogs which can be controled by handlers and owners may be put in breeding program. Only for the serious working program with no social life so can be selected exclusively. Only to the extremly dog’s protection. These dogs must react protective during they protect property if they come some strangers.
Its so badly if those kind of dog attack somebody from the family. Even child, with these dogs have to do right things with full of control.
We are looking for dog which can be controlled. Dog which knows what has to do and when has to do. Dog who will protect property excellent but with same way to be calm and obeyed! It all means stable character dog.
Important Cane Corso feature – most important exactly! We will try with examples to show that amazing character which adorns Cane Corso breed

Cane Corso does not need but must be stable dog!
To avoid confusion, we do not talk here about puppy during the growing time, then about mentally and physically developed dog, and this is Cane Corso with 2.5 – 3 years of age.
Dogs / puppies during the growing time do not need to show all characteristics of stable dog. Even they will be when finish with growing and developing, but about it we will talk in some another lesson later.
Cane Corso is dog with very high level of intelligence, family dog, guardian, protector, protective set to its most loved…
Dog who knows how to show you eternal life, love and care!
The dog who knows what should to do for you!
Reason your happiness!
True friend forever!
It means stable character, and this is motive which we follow in our breeding program.
I believe that people will meet real charasteristics of Cane Corso throught the examples then read theory, so lets go further…

Very tolerant family dog who knows what should to do!

When I say family dog, I mean to the person or people who live together. With it they form family with Cane Corso. Dog has very strong connection with owners. Dog which does not require to many care but surely you need to give care to your dog. Very VERY tolerant dog with the children. It can grows up next to children or, children next to dog.
Even all of us know that children may be very naughty but, Cane Corso has patience for them. Surely more than mostly of the parrents and people. Dog can make pretty strong connection with child and to be his best friend forever as well protector. Parrents can be calm and tranquil.

Stable temperament tells us also that dog is very adaptable with no stress. Quickly is adapted to the new things, new dogs and people. But still stays faithful to the owners and family. You can walk with dog without leash if you are sure in your dog, its near to you. If he smells something interesting, it will goes to see what happens, but no fears.
If feels that owner is in trouble, dog is here to protect and always will stand between owner and another person! Warning that person that its ready to react if necessary and to does all to protect its owner.
Cane Corso is ready to die for the owner and family!
About property and house, Cane Corso is the king of teritory! Its always conscious of whole situation as well like it can smell the danger and responds adequately.
If you want come in some property but there is dog! Already by sight you can see in its eyes that you dont know what dog thinks! Warning you that you dont need get into the property.
It is dog which does not bark with no reasons! I can say that Cane Corso bark very little and when barking – barking with reason.
Its dog which will does all possible and impossible to protect most loved persons, whole family and property from danger.
Dogs in pack are great and can be very VERY dangerous against undesirable people if they come to your property. Few to several Cane Corsos can live together without any problems. Like with the mostly of breeds, its the same here – hierarchy, alpha exsist.
They are very obedient, you can take them all and go together in walk, park or lake. You will enjoy and they will make your day! Another people as well children can come and anoint dogs as well play with them. Dogs will be happy, its relax time for each one person. There will be no problems at all. These dogs are animals which like social life. I like to say for them “clear into head” – for the stable character.
As I said, they are very adaptable to the different sounds, new situations. The same you have to be conscious that like a humans, its same with dogs, they have conditional reflex. So they can get suprised by some move and sounds, too. It takes just few seconds as with the humans and after it its normal. They will not run away not even pee from fears…
Also, Cane Corsos are dogs which are very moody and interested for any kind of work/trainings. Agility or training with sleeve, too. Simply – they have genetic to be guard dogs. Very quickly they got adapted what have to do if people do practices with them.
Cane Corso is like a drog, once and always!

After all of this, I believe that mostly of you who have never owned Cane Corso do not trust that Cane Corso is perfect dog. But it does, for real! If you have real stable character dog, believe me that you would never thought to change the breed. Me, as well all other people who took Spunk Gang dogs have the same opinions about all of this.
To the all breed lovers, who have no experience until now with this amazing breed, i give you advice to be care from whom you will get your puppy – your new best friend for a life!
Because puppy is not a toy which will be purchased 10 times in a year, but once in 10 years or more yes.
Why you would not enjoy in your pet than you have problems with its character? Thought are divided about does Cane Corso dog is good choice for the first time owners or not. If you pick puppy from the reputable kennel with good bloodline. Cane Corso may be for sure dog for the first time dog owners. By the all characteristics of stable character, first time owners will adapt quickly and learn how to teach and handle Cane Corso.
You are an alpha in your pack, you are dominant, its not somebody from your dogs. This is advice for the first time owners but also for the people who already own dogs! Do not let your dog be dominant under you, then you have to be dominant under your dog and then dog will listen you well.
Cane Corso is obviously the best breed ever!