In general, the term “slightly” in the Cane Corso breed suggests a difference that is not large. And would likely be less than 10% or so.
The word “slightly” means to a small degree or extent. When it comes to describing the length of something. “Slightly longer” means that the length is longer than something else, but not by a significant amount.
Definition of slight convergence of Cane Corso head:
In Cane Corso conformation and breed standards, “slight convergence” is a term used to describe the shape and position of a dog’s head. Specifically, it refers to the way the dog’s skull and muzzle come together at the stop (the indentation or “break” between the forehead and the muzzle).
“Slight convergence” means that the lines of the skull and muzzle come together at a slight angle or slope up to 10%. Rather than meeting at a sharp, distinct angle or forming a straight line. This usually creates a gentle, slightly rounded shape to the dog’s forehead and muzzle when viewed from the side.

The degree of “slight convergence” can vary depending on the breed standard and individual dog. In general, it is a desirable trait that is sought after in many breeds. In the Cane Corso breed, the best is about 7% convergence. I will explain in some of the upcoming articles why this percentage is ideal. How does it affect the stop and the forehead. It is thought to contribute to a pleasing and balanced overall appearance in the dog’s head.
Definition of slightly longer Cane Corso body:
When it comes to Cane Corso and its proportion, “slightly longer” could mean that one dog’s body length is longer than the dog’s body height, but only by a small margin.
When we say that a Cane Corso has a “slightly longer body than height”. We are referring to the ratio between the length of the dog’s body and the height of the dog at the shoulders (also known as the withers).
A Cane Corso with a slightly longer body than height means that the length of the dog’s body, from the withers to the base of the tail, is 10-11% longer than the height of the dog at the shoulders. This is often described as a “rectangular” or “oblong” shape. As opposed to a “square” shape where the length and height are approximately equal.
That is visible to a Cane Corso puppy. The proportion is not going to change in most of the puppies. It has it good or not.
Overall, having a slightly longer body than height can contribute to a dog’s overall appearance, balance, and movement. However, it’s important to note that the health and function of the dog’s body should always be the top priority. The breeders should strive to produce dogs with sound structure and movement first and foremost.
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