Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
Cane Corso size.
The height – as the main factor for all other dog’s proportions!
Cane Corso size is a very important thing for all of us. You want a small breed, like a Frenchie or Boston Terrier, I assume you would not like to have a huge Frenchie or Boston Terrier but a small one. If you want a big breed like Cane Corso, I assume you would not like to have a small Cane Corso, but as big as possible indeed.
Serious Cane Corso breeders are responsible for keeping the breed’s health and functionality and working on improvement, but to have it all, founders made the Cane Corso standard proportions to keep that all: health, look, and functionality.
This time I will talk about Cane Corso’s height as the start factor for all other proportions of the dog. Height is an important measurement! Because of this value, we can know do the other measurements are good or not good. Length of the body, whether do legs are enough long, how big the head should be, the muzzle, the neck, etc…
If you want to skip the height lesson and see the breeders trick about height
[ps2id url=’#IDTrickAboutthe-height’]Click here[/ps2id]
So, let’s start.

The height of the dog is the valued ( cm/inch ) from the zero horizontal planes, where the paws stand ( point D on the photo ), and go up to the highest point of withers ( point C on the photo ). The distance between these two points is the value of the Cane Corso size – height. Withers ( point F on the photo ) should be the highest point of the Cane Corso’s back. Withers is the place where the scapula is located and its highest point. To get it easier, here is the photo of the human and Cane Corso which shows the same point.

If you are inexperienced with dog anatomy, you can locate your scapula first ( see the photo ), and then very easily you will locate it on the dog. With this, you know how to measure your dog’s height properly. No one can cheat you.
What do standards say about Cane Corso height?
Let’s quote:
FCI says:
Height at withers:
Males: 64 cm – 68 cm.
Females: 60 cm – 64 cm.
With a tolerance of 2 cm, more or less taller.
AKC says:
Dogs 25 to 27½ inches;
Bitches 23½ to 26 inches.
Why is important to keep dogs under the standard height?
Over height and under height can affect on functionality of the breed which you can check here, health of the breed which you can check here, and look of the breed which you can check here.
Cane Corso is a large-sized dog with working abilities and a guard dog. If you have under height dog, this dog can not work properly as is not enough big and might be thin. If not thin, then small and fat and with that losing the look of Cane Corso size. He is no longer a Cane Corso indeed.
Example: Imagine a short person who wants to be a basketball center player, he is short and can not play under the basket as everybody will stop him. He is losing the ability to be basketball center player on a high level.
Over height Cane Corso?
If you have over height Cane Corso but look like a beast, you risk a lot to have a dog with problems with bones and joints. The dog is big and must have a mass, which will suit his beautiful look. With over height, your Cane Corso has no working ability as probably is too slow and can not move well. He is not suitable for working as gets tired quickly. But to keep your Cane Corso healthy and functional but is over height, you will have a thin dog that is healthy, and works well but does have not a Cane Corso body look.
Example: Imagine a very tall person who wants to do gymnastics, what success it will make? I will tell you, no successes! To be a gymnast you have to be short and very agile!
Now I assume you get why these values in standards were made for Cane Corso size. With these values, you will have a large dog, a functional dog with working ability, an agile dog, and the healthy dog. The Cane Corso must look robust and very beautiful.
The trick no one will tell you but Spunk Gang does!
Different types of breeders you can find out today, on social networks especially. Many of them present their dogs as outstanding big ones. Some people say their dogs are 75cm/29.5 inch tall, another says 80cm/31.5 inch tall for their, and many different. Probably all of these dogs are in standard proportions with their height, even some of them are smaller than in real life. The problem is owners who have a complex of their height and they treat it on Cane Corso promotion, which is fake.

Here is me in the photo with Spunk Gang Cane Corso. Desert Eagle is one of the most titled dogs in east Europe, he is even a veteran WORLD CHAMPION 2021. But all about him, you can check here.
Now, when you are looking for a Cane Corso puppy, and you want to get details about parents, next to other details ask how tall the person who keeps the dog in the photo is. It might reveal the real situation about the size if that person is not a double liar. Double – when telling the height of the dog and tell about the height of its own.
Attention! Photoshopped images are upcoming!
So, here I am, the person in the photo, and I am 180cm / 71 inches tall. Everybody who knows me, but many people know me, can confirm that. Next to me is my dog, Desert Eagle Spunk Gang and his Cane Corso size is 68cm / 27 inches. That’s the reality.
Now I make the comparison which shows how the size of the person in the photo affects the dog’s size. This is the trick! If you see a shorter person, the dog will look taller, and vice versa. A taller person, the dog will look smaller. EVEN, the same dog is in the photos and the same size. Check this now:
If you don’t know about the other 3 photos you would probably say:
– for the first photo: “Wow, it’s a huge dog”.
– while for the fourth photo you would say that the dog is small.
I know many breeders who hire short people to make photos with their Cane Corsos and promote them as very big dogs by telling dogs are so tall.
Thanks for reading.