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What things make a breeder good, bad or even top rated?
There are several type of Cane Corso breeders i will mention but, there are a lot of Cane Corso breeders types.
“Amazing Cane Corso breeders”
One of the types are “amazing breeders“. The ones who started few years ago but present theirself as 10+ years career breeders. All existing and non-existing health tests done. Show results fantastic, but indeed their oldest dog is about 2 years old or so. Ussualy arogant people who know nothing but their speech is that they know everything.
Unlucky Cane Corso breeders
Unlucky breeders are the ones, name says it – who have no luck, obvious. They have luck in nothing. It means that they started with good bloodline, but they dont have puppies. It means that they have fantastic Cane Corsos, but they can not win the show. Because its not good day for the dog or every time there are better dogs. It means they are persistent, but no success. They sell puppy but that puppy makes completely mess in the house and owners send puppy back to breeder.
Stagnant Cane Corso breeders
The ones who started with breeding, give their best to learn as much they can about the breed. Of course, it looks like they have success at the start but then all start. Even improvement of the breed happens, standard changes, additions, time and fashion. They can not adapt on it. They continue live in the past. With old standard. With old dogs. From old glory. They dont accept anything new. This type of breeders dont accept even 4G network because they are adapted on 3G network. They dont accept improvements and they dont want go ahead.
Facebook Cane Corso breeders
A very popular group of breeders. They have incredibly excellent Cane Corsos, but no one never saw them in live. Ussualy these dogs are about 100kg and 80cm tall at withers with incredibly strong bones. Move like a panthers. These dogs ussualy have perfect guard predispositions. They are so fearless, more than Hercules even. Puppies from these type of breeder are very expensive and not everyone can afford it. They are expensive. Even if somebody can afford, they sell puppies only to selective clients. I would say – The mysterios breeders they want to call themself, but without facebook they will have no publicity and nobody will knows for them, then dogs from 100kg will not excist indeed.
Artist Cane Corso breeders
Some type of breeders are like an artists. Just photo includes short description, makes a person think about it. Look deeper, understand and see differences in breeders and what type of it they belong to. Sometimes mostly of people can not understand the quality of the dog. As many people dont know and dont need to know standard of the breed. They might like or dislike the dogs on it.
And many more types of breeders…

How is it possible that 100% health dog has no long lifespan?!
How is it possible that quality dog is not recognized and not highly placed on speciality show!?
Let me explain in short what good breeder is!
The Cane Corso breeder is a person who understand the standard of the breed at first. Its a person who knows to read and understand well what wrote in the sentences written by educated people. Its person who knows to recognize quality dog, knows differences between show quality, breeding quality and pet quality dogs.
Thats the person who follows the trends within the Cane Corso standard in their breeding program. Breeding program is the thing every kennel is based on. Without program, there is no breeding selection. Breeding selection is used as fact for the breed improvement. There is no perfect quality dog by breeders view. Keep high level of quality makes bloodline good and makes breeder reputable.
Breeder must take care about Cane Corso health
Without health breeder has nothing. Health check and tests done make breeding selection on the right way by keeping dogs and bloodline clear and healthy. Improving lifespan in this hard times.
You are not a breeder after you buy two adult dogs and breed them. NOT even if you are 40 years old! Person becames a breeder after several years of breeding and making few to several generations of quality dogs which are healthy and in few to several generations.

Breeder has to has connections and to work with another breeders. Not need, but MUST know english language, as every serious breeder works international, english is a must!